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Ā FREE Download: From Doom to Destiny: The 5-Step Formula to Make Your Dreams Your Reality

Leslie D. Allen Sr.

Coach, Trainer & Speaker

Husband, dad, brother, counselor, teacher, business manager, friend, disciple and ambassador.
He is a graduate from the International school of ministry, certified in Leading Organizations in Change by MIT, has over two and a half decades in the study of personal development and leadership along with over a dozen other personal development certifications in business training. Les believes in lifelong learning.

Les has experienced life on many levels. He has worked his way up from entry levels to highly trusted levels in management. His religious road includes Catholicism, Islam, Heathenism (the street life) and finally Christianity.

Les is not a religious man in the judgmental sense, but he is a compassionate believer in the Love of a Living Father and the salvation that comes through the gift of His Son. Les knows first-hand how what you believe affects every area of your life; and how rigid, hard line judgmental philosophies and programming can destroy human relationships by causing division in the one race that was created to be a family; the human race. Les believes that your skin color has nothing to do with race and everything to do with the masterpiece God was creating when he seasoned the earth with all its wondrous colors and seasons. We are not only God’s children, but we are the salt of the earth. We are God’s seasonings to life. The herbs and spices that give life its flavor. If we can put it altogether the recipe turns up Love.
Les is on a mission to help those who are seeking ways to get to the next level in life by teaching them the who and what to avoid on their journey to discovery of success for their lives ; what he calls the land minds in the mind fields of life. Success is defined by the seeker, not the speaker. Join him in helping you to discover the success that is hidden within…

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