
Uncategorized Jan 26, 2025


     Hey just because you didn't put any points on the scoreboard doesn't mean That you're defeated.  Life goes on.  When you lose a game, let the end of the game be the end of the game.

Don't allow singular events  or anyone's opinion define who you are. Never let anyone see or perceive you as defeated, because if you look the part it probably means you are.

Defeat has a bitter taste, not only that, it's hard to digest AND IT STINKS!                                             Even in the midst of the storm you can ride on the winds and  shine like the sun.

No one needs to know what you're going through when you're going through it, but those who are closest to you and trusted by you.

I'm talking about your inner-inner- Circle. Not relatives, co workers, or your network on social media. You can tell all of those folks how to do it, once you get through it.

But the last thing anyone needs is a pitty-party on social media. That will only feed the Spirit of defeat; and defeat begets defeat to the point of no return.

You can choose to learn from your losses, lean into life-lessons, embrace the journey and give wings to those that follow after you by boldly proclaiming it was impossible for me too until I did it!

Now, it's your time and it's your turn to be...UNDEFEATED!


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