Why Must We Die

Uncategorized Nov 24, 2024


Why Must We Die (Part 1)
There comes a day in the lives of almost every one of us where due to a tragedy, loss of someone very close to us, senseless murder, acts of violence, Covid or other plagues much of which is being done in the name of religion or the betterment of mankind (purging); we find ourselves asking the question… My God, why must this be, why must we die? I found myself asking this question to the point that I seriously began to seek an explanation from the only source that I felt could provide an answer. So today I’d like to share with you what I have found through much prayer meditation and revelation.

…On the sixth day of creation God made man in his own image and likeness. The first man was literally sculpted by the hand of God. His name was Adam. God gave this man a magnificent home with complete dominion over everything. That home was the Earth (Genesis 1:26-27). When God formed man from the dust of the ground there was no life in him. Imagine a clay doll. In Genesis chapter 2 verse 7 the Bible tells us that God breathed into the nostrils of his clay creation and then man became a living soul. So, the first man, Adam was sculpted by the hand of God and brought to life by the very breath of God. This man was very special to God. When God breathed life into the first man, that breath of Life Adam received included something very special that enabled him to have direct communication with and be in the presence of God.


God loved Adam and gave him many gifts, including Woman, who was also made by the very hand of God. Along with these gifts God gave man instructions and a warning. In Genesis chapter 2 verses 16 and 17 God gave man this commandment "of every tree in the garden you may freely eat, but of the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil you should not eat of it; for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die.” God gave this commandment to the man before the woman had been made. The day would soon come when Adam's character would be tested, and he would fail through disobedience. Adam's Rebellion against God, his Father, and ours is the root cause of sickness, sin, and death.

In Genesis chapter 3 the Bible tells us that the devil came in the form of a serpent and is more subtle and cunning than any Beast that the Lord had made. The devil is a chameleon, he will sneak up on you and Whisper sweet lies to you wearing the disguise of your greatest and most secret desires; suggesting things to you that you wouldn't dare repeat to anyone else! Does anyone know what I'm talking about? The devil used Charm and deceit to lure the first woman into a death trap. As Adam, instead of protecting his bride from this snake; stood by and watched in silence, and then, to make matters worse Adam, willfully took part in the same treasonous act.

Adam disobeyed the direct commandment given him by his Father God. The saddest part about this story is that in Chapter 2 of Genesis verse 9 the Bible tells us “in the middle of the garden was the Tree of Life and the tree of the knowledge of Good and Evil.”

God hadn’t given Adam any warnings against eating from the Tree of Life. Therefore, given the choice between life and death our earthly father, the first man, Adam chose the tree of certain death over the Tree of Life. Verse 9 says "and out of the ground the Lord God made to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight and good for food, the Tree of Life and also in the midst of the garden the tree of knowledge of Good and evil."
The decision Adam made that day has caused Adam’s tainted blood to be passed on to all of us, with One exception (Jesus). Verse 9 tell us that these trees were pleasant to look at. If the tree of the knowledge of good and evil was pleasant to look at the tree of Life had to have beauty that was beyond utterance or approach; and I think it is worth repeating, God did not command the man not to eat from the tree of Life; only not to eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil

***     After Adam's act of treason against God the Bible say that their (Adam and Eve) eyes were opened, and they knew that they were naked and they were ashamed. If they knew that they were naked, doesn't this mean that they didn't die? No, they were stripped of the adornment of the Spirit of God. They died spiritually at the very moment that Adam disobeyed, and they knew that the adornment of Oneness with God, their spiritual covering was now gone. They were now carnal, clay creatures who had given up the right of all humanity to live eternally in Divine health and without sin for a forbidden fruit (the fruit of sin and death).

Before the first couple committed this act. They were adorned in the Spirit of God, who is Love, and possess all power and authority. So, when the first man and woman died spiritually the Essence of True Love placed on man by God was lost; it died. Man was life without love. Life without love is a death sentence. Therefore, the only love man had to pass down was a memory of something that he no longer possessed and from generation to generation, just like anything else the true meaning is eventually washed away. There was no way Adam could articulate to you and me what being clothed in the Love of God was like: The Light of Life, fearless, unconditional, worry-free, giving, glowing, and flowing in grace, one with God…would you want to tell your children you gave that up? I’m sure when love left, and fear and worry became part of man’s soul Adam began to play mental ping pong: “If I tell them why I did this they’ll hate me.” Why did you do it daddy, why the children would ask? Could you honestly tell them, for a snack? That’s what it amounted to, but in this case the snack was the taste of death which went immediately into Adam’s blood stream and the clock on his life began to tick. Because of this act the clocks on our lives begin to tick the moment we are conceived as is evidenced in how many lives are lost or taken before they ever see the light of day. There is death in man’s blood that has been there since Adam. Can you see how far from Love we’ve fallen? We have murder of the unborn as a legal option and a common practice. Where is the Love in that? His name is Jesus!
…To be continued




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