You ain't seen nothing yet: Believe it!

Uncategorized Jul 16, 2023


If seeing is believing, why are we so filled with doubt? Take a look around you. I see miracles everywhere I look. In everyone and everything that God created.

I don't see misery I see mercy. If I complain about what I don't have I miss what I do have.

God is a miracle worker! He formed each one of us by the works of his hand with a touch of love.

Look at creation and all you see are masterpieces. Pieces created by the Master.

God, the miracle worker; has given each of us a miracle to work with.

Most of us have our eyes everywhere else except on the miracle God gave us to work with. And if we don't see it we certainly can't be it!

What is that fire; that burn that God has placed in you?

The enemy's greatest tricks are distraction and delusion.

 He wants us to keep our eyes on everything and nothing.

What he doesn’t want you to see  is the miracle God created you to be.

 When we are born man gives us a number to track us. But God gives us a name, so He can call us. Do you hear what I hear?

He knows who you are.

He has given us the bread of life. He washes us clean by the  water of His Holy Word.

He leads us in the paths of righteousness for His name’s sake.

So, as we walk through the valley of the shadow of death We shall fear no evil. Don't get stuck in the muck!

 For God is with you all the way to the other side.

Don't dwell on the hell you might be going through!

 But dwell in the secret place of the Highest And you shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.

 Where there is love, protection, provision, refuge, restoration, healing, deliverance, forgiveness, and wholeness.

The price God paid for you is proof that you are worthy.

Would an all-wise God give up something as  priceless as His only begotten Son for something worthless? The devil is a lie!

Forget about what the world says or thinks about you;  and look at what God gave up to call you son or daughter…His name is Jesus!

Now is the accepted time…this is the day of Salvation.

I don’t know what you believe, but I do know you can’t have what you don’t believe you can have…So, stop doubting; and just believe.

I want to hear your miraculous testimony. Be blessed!

Ambassador Les Allen






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