Hey just because you didn't put any points on the scoreboard doesn't mean That you're defeated. Life goes on. When you lose a game, let the end of the game be the end of the game.
Don't allow singular events or anyone's opinion define who you are. Never let anyone see or perceive you as defeated, because if you look the part it probably means you are.
Defeat has a bitter taste, not only that, it's hard to digest AND IT STINKS! Even in the midst of the storm you can ride on the winds and shine like the sun.
No one needs to know what you're going through when you're going through it, but those who are closest to you and trusted by you.
I'm talking about your inner-inner- Circle. Not relatives, co workers, or your network on social media. You can tell all of those folks how...
Eviction: Uprooting the Spirit of Fear
So, how long have you lived in fear? Shouldn’t the question be how long has fear lived in you? It you look at these two questions one might think or conclude that fear has become the owner and you the occupant of your very soul. How could this be? We entertain fear so much it becomes part of our every consideration. Before we consider any activity… What if, what if, what if…we come up with impossible scenarios just to hold ourselves back, because the fear that we’ve allowed to take over has silenced our faith; and all possibilities that were intended for us become impossibilities to us. It’s almost like we would rather die than to even try. If any of this is true of you, wouldn’t you want to make it the lie that it truly is?
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